It was in Lekso's uncle house, in the new part of Rustavi. Some of us already had experience, in their own country or here, about picking up grapes. It's quite easy actually, because except for the leaves, you don't have to sort out anything, just being careful about the bees (or Cristi being scared of the bees :-D ).
We were a lot, and everybody worked, so it was done quite fast (2-3 hours).
We had a bit of trouble to find cisors and knifes so that everybody could work at the same (but eventually we had) and also to find laders and chairs in order for the smallest of us to actually reach the grapes!
When the grapes are all mashed up (thanks to the super machine!), they hang in there (or rather bathe) for 10 days. Until then they are still in the state of grape juice : it's called "Tsveni".
After those 10 days of rest, the juice is put into those huge bottles, for some more rest : so that pips, insects and everything that isn't drinkable goes to the bottom of the bottles. No filter used, it's natural filtration. Several bottles are used, and from the red color of the grapes we end up with a yellow colored wine.
Don't be afraid, the wine we drink is actually really clean (and really good, isn't it so Lekso?).
After the great work was finished, the sun came in just in time for "Supra" and Mtsvadi (barbecue).
Lekso's uncle was the "tamada" (toast master), and I don't think anybody remembers how many glasses of wine we had. It was really nice to seat all together, to share the great foods (potatoes bread, cheese, mtsvadi, chicken, katchapouri, apple cake,...) alongside with some live music (acoustic guitar by Lekso's uncle and Joe, and also a bit of piano!). We heard many different stories about random topics, but always interesting, we had international conversations with a bit of every language, and for sure this wasn't the last supra we had!
Written by Liene
Pictures by Daga&Tom