16 Aug 2011

Youth Exchange!!

Joe, Daga and Kalina came back to Georgia to be part of the youth exchange (end of july/ beginning august) they created while being evs. Here are some pictures!

More fun pics HERE and HERE and HERE.

EXTRA : (Tom during Advance planned visit)

2 Aug 2011

News of our office !

The 18 / 07 /2011, our upstairs neighbor had forgotten to close his or her tap water. You can see the results in our office. I had cleaned the office just the day before......

With Emelie, Albin, Gus and Lekso we moved our office into the living room of our flat.

 Finally finished the work, we started to clean the office the first of August 2011 with Emelie and Albin.

We hope that this cleaning doesn't cause another disaster !

Yoann, your apprentice journalist.