What is OAT?
Info pack says: “The main objective of the on-arrival training is to introduce the volunteers to the host country, preparing them for the service period and the EVS experience. On-arrival training helps the volunteers adapt to cultural and personal challenges. It allows volunteers to get to know each other and to build a network. Volunteers should also receive guidance on conflict prevention and crisis management.”
That’s the theory:)
It’s very funny, that training which should prepare us for volunteering in Georgia, happens almost 2 months after our arrival :) Some of the volunteers arrived to Georgia earlier, some later, organizers from Salto has to find out the date which suite for everybody, so I think the golden mean was achieved.
23rd-27th of November – during those days we’ve met in Sighnaghi, in a cozy Old Signagi Hotel. 25 volunteers from Poland, Romania, France, Lithuania, Germany and Italy had a chance to exchange experiences, meet each other and tell stories about their adventures in hosting countries- Georgia and Azerbaijan. Our trainers- Giorgi, big Giorgi, Anna and Tomek put a lot of energy to make it more attractive and fun and the same time. They make a great job!
Signagi is really charming at night |
As you can guess, during every-day program, most of the time (except coffee and lunch brakers) we spent on the workshops, learning more about EVS, about ourselves and Georgia. Then, the nights should be used for relax and having a rest, but of course we use this time for integration process :)
Everything what’s good, terminates fast… faster then we could expect :)
with locals:) |
With all the people we exchange contacts so hopefully there’s gonna be a chance to visit and meet each other again. Some of them are coming to Rustavi in forthcoming weekend, we can’t wait to meet them!!! :)