28 Feb 2018

See you soon Party to Jessica

Hey you! 6 months passed, this is my last week like a volunteer in Georgia (I stay one week more before I leave!)
My point of view doesn't change about Georgia, I love Georgia. I had time during 6 month to visit some places and for sure I will come back and see other places and also will meet people whom I know here.
I'm not ready to leave and go back in France, even I like my country it's better to be abroad and live other ways.
So After 6 months in Georgia, I realized that I really want to live abroad and meet lot of people! Also if I make a conclusion of my EVS here, it's was great even I had some difficulty but I things I grow up more, my English is better than it was before and I'm happy about my decision to do EVS,  it was one of my Greatest experiences.
Also during 6 months I had time to see and discovered 2 others Caucasus country Azerbaijan and Armenia, now I have 23 magnets (8 per country) for my mom and friends from 3 Caucasus country ... I know that crazy!
28 of February it's my Birthday and first time in my life I'm abroad and I will celebrate that correctly 😀!
If I miss Georgia? Yes, of course! I will miss a beautiful country! If I miss the foods? Of course, I will! How I can live without Khachapuri, Lobiani, Khinkali, Lavashi ect ...If I miss wine? Oh yes, I arrive here and I didn't like wine at all, I leave and I start to like Georgian wine that crazy! And of course I will also miss everyone I meet here, GYE team, the youngsters in the association, Friends from all over the world!
So that it for me! Georgia it's a good country, people are great, my EVS was great. I learnt so many things about myself and peoples. I will miss Georgia so much! 💜
It was Jessica! End of my stories here! Bye, see you in our World!

Agas first impression

Aga Wiechecka Polish Long term EVS - "February ends, spring is at the doorstep, almost two months have passed since I arrived in January. Rustavi has become my home for this time and will be for the next 10 months. During this time, I experienced a lot, I met interesting people whose stories influenced me. The first impression about Georgia? Well, I remember the snowy night when I arrived. The view from the airport was quite depressing because it was snowing and I really wanted to escape the winter. Warm welcome by the members of GYE was a kind of consolation prize :) Later it was getting better also learning Georgian language ;) Step by step and I finally will be able to have a little conversation  :) Beginnings aren't usually  so easy. Especially in a new country where you do not know anyone. The adaptation process sometimes takes several months, but in my case fortunately it hasn’t been so long. Working at GYE gave me reasons to do new things, meet new people, and try to find myself in new situations. Every day  brings something new, including teaching my mother tongue for the first time and working with children. The geography and environmental workshops are among my favorites because I consider myself responsible for these things. Also discovering the country is one of the things that I like most. Spontaneous hitchhiking trips are the best way to get to know the country, people and local culture. Also, the workshops I lead and some that I participate gave me great opportunity for spending my time in useful way. Being part of such a community is one of the things that everyone should try without the risk of losing time and regret". 

Lea's travel tips

EVS rhymes with travel! We take advantage of all our weekends to travel through Georgia, Azerbaijan and recently Armenia.
To be as efficient as possible, we divide into groups of 3, we rendezvous at specific point and go for adventures.
The hitchhiking is very funny because we never know what will happen, how long we will get to the point where we want.
Despite our different languages, we always manage to reach the desired point!
This is an opportunity to share time with locals, share a few glasses of wine, Chacha, coffees and cakes! Sometimes our drivers even invite us to lunch!
Some golden rules for the stop: to be a bunch of people, to exchange with the driver and to be as accommodating as possible with him!

8 Feb 2018

SHOW BOX - that is one more great EVS project in Romania!

Buna! We are Georgian EVS Volunteers in Craiova, Romania. Our project is Shoe box which aims  to promote children’s rights, emphasizing on the right to play, as well as developing public actions to collect toys/school supplies/hygiene items/clothes. Our target group is children with different difficulties, we are making activities with them to make their lives more fun and also help them study new and practical things. Also one of our main objective is Donation, we already promoted our project in university in schools and kindergarten and collected a lot of things for this children such as toys, clothes, school supplies and hygienic items . This children really need our help and when we see their happy faces we feel that we are doing something really good and we all together are able to change at least small piece of this world.  We are making flash mobs, silent actions to promote children rights and birthday donation , we are trying to make citizens of Craiova aware that children rights are important. We are also making upcycling workshops and painting walls  with the children.
In our dream team we are volunteers  from Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Jordan . We have one aim and we work hard to reach our goals. As we are working together we also live together. Despite of our different behaviors and culture , each day we realize that we are becoming family.
Finally we want to say that EVS gives everyone a lot of opportunities to travel, learn new things, meet new people and discover new cultures.

Fallow our project activities in FB: https://www.facebook.com/EvsShoeBox/

EVS volunteers from Georgia: Zuriko Managadze & Tamari Samkharadze

Hosting organisation: Asociatia Nationala de Sprijinire a Tineretului Ecologist din Romania (ANTER)

Sending organisation: Association "Georgian Youth for Europe"