I can be honest with you that Georgia became my second home and I am not lying 🤪 Seven months already passed since I arrived here and I’ve got many maaaaaaany new things that I had to deal with. For example, the culture differences which are completely unusual for European people, the country currency which has different value than euro, the language barrier that you must jump over for being able to communicate and be understood by others. Moreover, to face with adult life that it’s not actually so funny how it seems through many teenager’s eyes🤩. It actually would be better to use words as a student life or a life period when you are becoming independent from your parents. What I want to say with all of this is that you are going to make muuuuuch more your own decisions than you did before. Of course, it is not a special challenge for many volunteers in their ESC but for a nineteen years old girl it’s something new. Aaaaaand by the way I’m going to celebrate my 20 birthday this summer in Georgia 🤩! I feel old now 😂
My mum wasn’t really happy with my idea to leave immediately after finishing the high school to a country like Georgia 🇬🇪 The fear arises when we are facing a situation that we haven’t had before and we don’t have any clue how it’s going to end. Thus, I kinda understood my mom on this point but I didn’t agree with her to stay in Lithuania. And you know what, I am super glad that I did not change my opinion and choose to do ESC in Georgia. I was afraid as well but my excitement to show people that a shy girl as I am can make it was much bigger than a SILLY fear how it seems of the moment☀️.
Since I’ve been here for more than half a year I’ve met a lot of interesting and unique people. I had pleasure to meet with Polish

Continue talking about my skills that I acquired during the ESC. Activities with children that I had to lead ( Nobody didn’t say exactly what I should do. How to spend time with kids in an interesting and useful way was my task to think about and prepare for). I was leading the English for beginners and dancing clubs. To add, I organised the orientation game in Rustavi city. I took 14 fun photos for different places and some of them were a mystery even for locals game participants😎. I was included in Georgian and Lithuanian project. I had high quality training specialized for current volunteers how are doing their EVS from 2019 autumn to 2020 summer.
Currently, while we must stay at home l lead English conversations online with cool young people who were interested in making meetings together with me. At least me, I’m having a good time with them and I really enjoy it. Anyway I hope that in summer I will be able to join some projects in Scout Center and have some good moments before leaving Georgia☀️.
Stay at home, wash your hands and be safe!
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