10 Aug 2012

Bicho Chilli Khuti Lari

One month ago I put on the market in Tbilisi completely unplanned bought a puppy. It took me five lari. Everyone laughed at me for it. Girls from Slovakia helped me choose and easeily persuaded, so it was actually Czechoslovakian scout puppy. I never regretted my decision. It was an amazing month. Yesterday it hit by a car. We buried him in the park at a local stonemason. I think that in this month traveled with me more than most people. He experienced ride by maršrutka to Batumi, and then ride hitchhiked, saw the sea, slept on the beach, rode back in the truck. I found it very funny when a puppy like this giant truck stop just because he himself had to pee. Spent a week with Georgian and Slovak guys Scouts. He was on a trip in Armenia without a passport, so hidden across the border in maršrutka. Spent the night in the hostel, from which then vomited and shat all Yerevan.
 We had very lucky that we found each other. As I wrote, I bought a 25-year-old Armenian cognac. Drinking it in his honor.
Go with him down the street with the local guide was something incredible. In Armenia it was perhaps even worse. I came to see the first puppy. And to do on a leash. I thought that if I went with him naked in the street, so I would have noticed. In Georgia or in Armenia, people are not accustomed to having dogs as pets. Or rarely. They know the only street dogs and sometimes also approached Chilli so until I could not show them to belong to me. I've had situations where people gone to the other side of the sidewalk when they saw Chilli. They were afraid of him. On the other hand, I saw absolutely happy people when they could hug him. Then I did not even want him back. But everyone, absolutely everyone whether in Georgia or Armenia smacked his lips at him. Few people wanted to pet him, but every summoning him. They called to him from car. What was strange, Chilli knew who was georgian and who was foreigner. Never came to local and did not want it touched. Compared to foreigners, which came voluntarily and with enthusiasm.

He favord Slovak and French scouts. And when they left he always when we came back from walk sat before their apartment. Now I sit before their apartment just me.

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